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Indian community is living world wide and there are more than 13 billions of people who can understand or speak hindi language. the world market is very much want to expand business in india and reach upto the hindi community. hindi translation is much necessary for this task.

hindi translation

hindi proofreading

hindi transcription

Hindi transaltion-proofreading-transcription packages.

Hindi A

This is very good pack for hindi translation. Hindi A pack is very much suitable for any type of hindi transaltion. excellent work delivery is our priority.

translation languages

english to hindi

hindi to english

words count


estimated time to complete hindi translation

two weeks to four weeks

we may sign the hindi translation contract




just $600 USD

Hindi B

For proofreading and editing transaltion Hindi B pack is good enough. we will proofread & edit translation accordingly.

proofread languages

english to hindi

punjabi to english

words count


estimat ed time to complete hindi proofreading

seven to ten days

we may sign the proofreading contract




just $300 usd

Hindi C

Transcription of hindi audio / video will be done by us. we always use high quality and niose cancellations ear phone/ head phone to listen clearly.

transcription language

Hindi audio

Hindi video

audio / video length

one hour per audio

estimated time to complete hindi transcription

16 days

we may sign the contract




just $200 usd

Note: We can customize the pack according to your requirements. if you have less data or more data as compare mentioned in the packs. we can send you customize offer and invoice through paypal.